< : : NOTES FROM THE EDITOR / 01: : >


is an online journal of poetry that enjoys and suffers from the paradoxes of self, life, and language. Contributing authors will be required to submit 1-10 pieces of poetry and/or web art and/or other forms of writing or art from the author or authors, depending upon the length of the material. Each author will be solicited for publication; unsolicited submissions are accepted but likely neglected. The author has the option of either publishing anonymously in Close Quarterly, or, here's the hook - the author is responsible for creating a pseudonym and fake bio. Sorry, *no* real names. The name of the author or authors is a confidential piece of information shared only between the writer and editor. This publication is for *content*, not for self-marketing. There are plenty of other journals out there for that opportunity; in fact, every other journal I can think of offers that very opportunity. Each issue of Close Quarterly will have only one author or one body of work by multiple authors. Each issue will therefore be focused. Close Quarterly may appear to have a theme each issue, and that theme will be devised out of the content submitted, either by the author or by the editor. So it will be delivered and archived and subtitled accordingly. Each issue should seem somehow whole (unless of course your goal is fracture).

I encourage : : >

The journal : : >


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