< : : NOTES FROM THE EDITOR / 02 : : >



I encourage


the author to create a fake bio that somehow fits with the pieces submitted to CQ, whether humorous or sad or bland. Have fun with it all you want. Authors are also encouraged to be mindful of the issues related to proximate and the internet, especially when submitted. Low-tech and old-fashioned in art and writing is favored to the new hot-shot unless the new hot-shot is really damn inspired. I reserve the right to final approval of all submitted material, but that does not mean I'm likely to meddle. The author is asked to make MP3 recordings of reading the pieces; however, supporting audio can be created for the pieces by the Editor as an alternative (robot voices, morphed voices, etc.). Also, if the author wishes to add a critique or explanandum of a piece or pieces or work he or she is submitting, whether sincere or part of the authorial ruse, it is surely welcome and encouraged.


The journal : : >


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